The British Association of Remote Sensing CompaniesBARSCwebAdmin2025-02-10T22:37:29+00:00
THE BARSC MISSIONTo increase the use of earth imagery within all industries around the world by explaining the benefits of using this technology in words that everyone can understand. What Is Earth Imagery?Satellites, Planes and DronesMembershipBecome a BARSC MemberNews and EventsStay informedVisit the LibaryExplore industry reportsBARSC
The BARSC Mission
Learning the Earth
Our members range from multi-national companies to start-ups and single-person consultancies with interests in satellite manufacture and data supply, aerial imaging, drone flying, specialist software development and highly sort after expertise.
Industry Links
Our role is to ensure that our members are aware of all the latest developments in the industry, to introduce them to each other and key figures in the governance of earth observation and ensure our member’s views and requirements are heard and understood.
Commercial Promotion
We work to publicise the fantastic work that our members are doing, to the people that need to know. Our website news and job vacancy pages are a resource for our members to shout about the benefits that they can bring to every industry and application.