Event: BARSC (Cyber) Cuddle VII
Title: What role does AI have in your EO business strategy?
Date and Time: 14:00 – 15:30 26th June 2020
Everyday cuddles maybe banned but the BARSC Cuddle is unstoppable and so, we are continuing online!
BARSC (Cyber) Cuddle VII will, as always bring together BARSC Members, speakers and (hopefully) other industry organisations to discuss what matters to the earth observation community in this country and across the world.
This time around we are looking at artificial intelligence (AI) and exploring what impact it will have on the earth observation industry and individual companies.
As fantastic as it would be to see everyone face-to-face, we simply can not do that so, once again this Cuddle will be virtual.
Presentations, discussions and networking will all still be possible but from the comfort of your own home.
Please complete the form below if you would like to attend and / or present (all fields are required):
[contact-form-7 id=”8520″ title=”BARSC Cuddle VII”]