Challenge Workshop on Future Science for EO – Needs and Missions
31st March 2015 at College Court, Leicester.
CEOI-ST will hold its next challenge workshops, which will look at Future Science for EO – Needs and Missions, on the 31st March 2015 at College Court, in Leicester.
The workshop will look at future science needs for Earth Observation, the technology needs for ESA Earth Explorer 9 and other Science-driven Missions and will develop an understanding of how CEOI-ST can further support science-driven EO missions.
The workshop is free to attend and aimed at all scientists and industrialists interested in future science EO missions and their drivers. There are open sessions for people to present new ideas and science as part of the workshop.
The draft agenda is available here.
If you wish to attend please register with Chris Goddard (, stating any dietary or other special requirements.
CEOI Technology Conference 2015
21st and 22nd April 2015 at Cosener¹s House, Abingdon
The CEOI-ST will hold a 2-day Technology Conference at Cosener¹s House in Abingdon in April 2015. This conference is open to all interested parties, and will bring together personnel from recent CEOI projects to showcase and discuss their work and its context of science needs, commercial needs and mission opportunities. We also invite NSTP participants who are performing projects related to Earth Observation to attend and present their work as posters.
There will be sessions on:
Convoy missions and associated instrumentation needs;
Emerging technologies for EO instrumentation;
Exploitation of the recent UKSA/CEOI-ST initiative to examine opportunities for future national bilateral missions.
In addition to oral sessions, there will be poster sessions where this material and other relevant projects can be presented.
If you would like to attend, please register with Niki Legge (, with details of any special dietary or other special requirements.
If you would like to offer a talk on any subject relevant to the conference or present a poster, please contact Rob Scott (
CEOI-ST Training Workshop – What makes a good proposal for a space mission?
4th June 2015, University of Sheffield
CEOI-ST will be holding a training workshop to introduce participants to experienced mission leaders in the EO community (science, technology and project) and provide training in the techniques (hard and soft) required for proposing, winning and delivering successful space-based EO missions. It will bring together experienced and trainee EO scientists and technologists to form UK networks for the future.
The workshop will focus on looking at how to develop and win a space mission.
The intended audience is potential PIs, technologist and instrumentalists as leaders of future UK EO mission/instrument teams, PDRAs and PhDs in Earth Observation and recent graduates entries (degree +up to 4 years) into space industry.
The training workshop is free to attend and will include hands on sessions.
Registration is not yet open, but if you wish to receive further information please send a request to Chris Goddard (