UAV SIG Workshop
Annual Lecture & Conversazione, 7th – 8th July, 2011, University of Durham
This two-day workshop is a joint initiative of the Earth Observation Technology Cluster and the RSPSoc UAV Special Interest Group. Details of the Annual Lecture on Saturday 7th July will be finalised very soon. The Conversazione social event will take place after the Lecture at The Joachim room, St Hild & Bede College. The Workshop and Annual Lecture will take place in the Kingsley Barrett Lecture Theatre (CLC407) on the top floor of the Calman Learning Centre, Science Site.
You can download your registration form from the RSPSoc website RSPSoc Workshop
The Technology Cluster: a brief update
After a brief hiatus, the Technology Cluster is back! We have upcoming events to look forward to. For example, Dr. Graham Ferrier of the University of Hull, and leader of the FTIR Cluster Theme, is demonstrating FTIR Techniques to environmental engineers and managers at Environmental Technology (ET) 2011 today. In addition, Allen Pope, of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge and the UK Polar Network, and leader of the Circumpolar and Cryospheric Earth Observation theme is running a Summer School: Remote Sensing for Polar Scientists at the University of Reading in July. We are also intending to present at RSPSoc 2011 and to produce a Special Issue publication. More details will follow.
For more information please see
Share your news
If you have some Earth Observation news, funding opportunity or technological advance to share with our community, or you wish to publicise your Earth Observation event, please email Alison Marsh.
If you’re interested in collaborating with us please see our ‘get involved’ page:
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We’ve just started a new group on LinkedIn: Earth Observation Technology Cluster. Please join us and help it become a useful hub of information for you to learn about opportunities, contacts and developments in the earth observation industry.