EUMETSAT will be holding a briefing on 16th July 2015 at its Headquarters in Darmstadt. The briefing will start at 9:30 am and will be organised as follows:
Part 1
The briefing will start with a description of EUMETSAT’s approach to the procurement of its ground segment for EPS-SG, including its sub-segments and planning.

Part 2

As the first such procurement, the ITT covering the Mission Control and Operations (MCO) sub-segment will be described in more detail. This ITT is expected to be published as soon as possible in the fourth quarter of 2015, subject to approval by the EUMETSAT Council at its 83rd Meeting on 23-24 June.

EUMETSAT will present technical, programmatic and contractual aspects of the procurements in presentations including a questions and answers session.

The room will be available for the rest of the day for possible discussions among industry participants, as the day is also intended to create an opportunity for exchange of information amongst attendees.

To attend, please register no later than 1st July 2015 via email to, providing the company name, the name(s) of the representative person(s) to attend and the position(s) held within the company.