As part of the forthcoming NCEO / CEOI Joint Conference, which will take place between 17-20 September 2012 on Nottingham University’s Jubilee Campus, BARSC will be co-hosting an Applications Day.
The aim of the day is to investigate opportunities for research and commercial organisations to work together in applying remote sensing across a number of areas:
1. Hazards & Risks
2. Climate & Carbon
3. Martime & Marine Services
4. Location Based Services
5. Future Concepts of Land Resources
After an initial introduction from NCEO Deputy Chairman, Andy Shaw members of ESA, UK Space Agency, SACC and CEMS will give outlines of their ideas as to the progression of remote sensing in commercial applications.
Then the conference will split into the five sections, each with a chair and invited speakers so that people are able to explore in more detail within their area of interest.
Organisations supplying speakers include; British Geological Survey, DMCii, The Met Office, FNPA and many more. For a full list and details of how to attend what will be an extremely informative and instructive day, please visit the NCEO Conference website page: NCEO/BARSC Applications Day