Conference Title: Scottish Space Symposium 2019
Dates: 24th June 2019
Location: Technology and Innovation Centre, 99 George Street, Glasgow G1 1RD
The aim of the Symposium is to bring together organisations who wish to engage with space technology and present their challenges to the space sector, in order that collaboration and projects can be mapped out during the day.
The Scottish Space Symposium is an opportunity for industry and those innovating, to engage with the space and data sector to formulate and discover opportunities for cross-collaborative work.
Presentations in the morning is when organisations can give a brief overview of their work, which allows the space community to see where there are potential opportunities. In the afternoon, challenge holders host a roundtable discussion in a particular sector and those around the table, a mix of space and data people, can provide solutions or possible opportunities to the challenges.
Last year’s roundtables included a construction workshop chaired by Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CS-IC) which has now materialised into 3 feasibility studies involving academia, industry and public sector to provide space-based solutions to challenges faced by the construction sector. This year’s symposium will follow a similar agenda and we welcome challenge holders to contribute to the event. Please get in touch if you would like to contribute.