Conference Title: NCEO/CEOI Annual Conference
Dates: 2nd – 5th September 2019
Location: Nottingham Trent Clifton Campus
The National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) is teaming up with the CEOI (Centre for Earth Observation Instrumentation) for an Earth Observation (EO) science, missions and technology conference.
The organisers invite you to submit your abstracts for talks, posters, demonstrations and exhibits within he plenary topics listed in the outline programme below – click for the full Abstracts Guide.
To submit an abstract, provide the information requested in the document and send it by 30 July 2019 to (If you are unable to complete the form in pdf, please provide the information by email).
The organisers also invite submissions to host an hour-and-a-half parallel session on Wednesday 04 September. Sessions will be selected based on description and relevance to the conference. To apply, complete and return the call for abstracts document NCEO CEOI Earth Observation Conference Call for Abstracts 2019 and return it by 30 July 2019 to
Selected speakers, poster presenters, exhibitors and session conveners will be contacted by 09 August 2019.
All speakers, poster presenters, exhibitors and session conveners will need to register to attend the conference. The closing date will be 09 August 2019 for conference registration which includes overnight accommodation – and 22 August 2019 for day delegates.
Conference Registration
Register here (Note payment is by credit card).
The closing date for registration is 09 August 2019 for conference attendance with accommodation and 22 August 2019 for day delegates.
The special early bird rate for attending the full conference is £398 including accommodation and dinners. Packages for individual conference days are available. Note that all students will receive a 50% discount.
During the registration process you will be asked if you wish to attend the ESM VAL TOOL training on Tuesday 3rd (see program below):ESMValTool-Training-Details-NCEO-Sep-2019
Invitation to undergraduates to present a poster at the NCEO and CEOI Science Conference, Nottingham, Wednesday 4th September 2019. NCEO will fund 30 one-day places at the conference. If interested, students should complete this registration form Invitation to undergrads to present a poster and return it to by 30 July 2019.
All posters should be of a maximum size of A0 portrait.
(may be subject to change after abstracts have been reviewed):
Monday 2nd September 2019
1500 hours onwards – check in to accommodation
1900 hours – evening reception and BBQ
Tuesday 3rd September 2019
0830 Registration opens
0930 Welcome
1000 Keynote
1045 Refreshments
1115 Plenary 1: Climate Data and Climate Services
1245 Lunch in the poster hall
1400 Plenary 2: Data Assimilation, from theory to applications
1400-1730 Parallel:ESM VAL TOOL TRAINING registration essential -details: ESMValTool-Training-Details-NCEO-Sep-2019
1530 Refreshments
1600 Plenary 3: The Energy and Water Cycle
1730 Poster session and drinks reception
1900 Informal supper
Wednesday 4th September 2019
0900 Plenary 4: Biosphere-atmosphere interactions
1030 Refreshments
1100 Keynote
1145 Parallel Sessions
1315 Lunch
1415 Plenary 5: The Carbon Cycle
1545 Refreshments
1615 Plenary 6: Space 4.0
1745 Poster session and drinks reception
1900 Formal dinner
Thursday 5th September 2019
1000 Keynote
1045 Refreshments
1115 Plenary 7: ODA
1245 Lunch
1400 Plenary 8: Oceans
1530 Conference thanks and wrap up